Friday, October 18, 2013

Find Me by Romily Bernard *

What a pleasant surprise this book was! After seeing quite a few not so favorable reviews. I was pretty nervous when I picked it up for myself. 
Wicket Tate hasn’t had the healthiest upbringing. Her father was heavy into meth dealing and scamming and her mother committed suicide when she saw it was her only way to get away from him. Now, Wick is with a wealthy foster family and finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Trouble is, old habits die hard. She has built up walls to not trust anyone and is using her hacking skills to make money on the side to ensure a good future for her and her sister, Lily. When she walks out of her house to find someone has left the diary of her old friend Tessa (who just committed suicide) on her front porch things start to get really dark. Tessa speaks of a man in her diary, she speaks of a relationship that started out as infatuation and quickly became unhealthy and abusive. Once Wicket realizes this man’s next target is Lily she throws herself fully into finding out who he is.
I loved Wicket! She was sassy, incredibly smart and not afraid to be brutally honest when the time called for it. What I loved about her was that even when she started falling for Griff she saw herself for the cliche that she was becoming and constantly made fun of herself. I ended up finding myself letting out a quick laugh here and there which created a really good balance in a very serious story. Griff was someone that I really liked throughout the story as well. He wasn’t your typical nice guy, he had his dark side too and ended up being someone who knew how to take Wicket. I also came to really like Wick’s friend Lauren. She wasn’t in the novel much but when she was, she was someone that also brought the laughs in her dialogue with those around her. All of these people together became a cast of characters that were well developed in their own way which had me actually caring about their well-being in the novel.
The mystery was one that I found myself fully invested in. In the end my very first suspect was the culprit but I was constantly second guessing my assumption throughout the novel because it did such a great job of planting seeds of doubt without being too obviousIt was really fun to wade my way through the twists and turns that Bernard expertly weaved into this novel. If you are looking for a fun, quick mystery I definitely think Find Me is the perfect place to look.

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